Learn what we do to protect patients from COVID-19
Here we will mention all the actions we take and the measures we take to protect our patients from the coronavirus COVID-19.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020. Last week we returned from summer vacation and performed 12 thyroid surgeries until today. We are here and will continue to serve our patients taking every possible precaution. All the interventions and practices applied in our Hospital, highlight the most transparent way of our commitment to the continuous improvement of the safety and quality of the health care of our patients.
Vigilance – actions and measures for protection against COVID-19
We are watching each patient for the COVID-19 virus. Given the fact that we only perform thyroid surgeries, all our patients have a minimum stay of 1 day on a specific floor, in the hospital. We take care of patients from all over Greece but also from abroad. We take very special measures to protect our patients. Iasso Hospital is a hospital where patients are treated for specific diseases. This makes it the safest place for you to have thyroid or parathyroid surgery. For your admission you will need to have a negative Covid-19 test within 48 hours before the day of your surgery. We will do the test for you here at the hospital. Air quality regulations are stricter than even the operating rooms we work in.
From the very first moment that a COVID-19 case appeared in our country, our Hospital responded immediately. Implement all the necessary measures to shield its facilities, protecting the health of patients and employees.
Application of E.O.D.Y. instructions.
With the assistance of the competent Committee for Hospital Infections (ENL), in Iasso, all the appropriate operating rules and safety protocols are applied. These are done strictly taking into account the instructions of EODY, the Ministry of Health and the International Organizations.
The Infection Control Committee, under the guidance of reputable infectious disease specialists, ensures continuous and up-to-date information on the developments of COVID-19 disease. Actively assists in the supervision and organization of safety protocols and is literally vigilant in overseeing the smooth and safe operation of the hospital.
With aim of your absolute safety, the following measures are applied in the premises of the hospital, in Iasso:
- The entrance and traffic in Iasso is done from controlled points. This ensures universal compliance with the use of the mask and the careful screening of incoming patients for any symptoms compatible with COVID-19 disease.
- Doctors and nurses wear a surgical mask throughout the office.
- The appointments of patients are scheduled according to the time required for the examination, in order to avoid the influx of patients in the waiting area.
- All patients come with a protective mask, which they wear throughout their stay in the hospital. In case they do not have a mask, the hospital gives it to them completely free of charge.
- Patients’ escorts are not allowed to enter unless is absolutely necessary.
- In the waiting areas, the distances of 2 meters between the patients and one person per 10sqm are observed. If this is not possible due to limited space, patients are taken to another waiting area.
- The spaces of Clinic adequately vented, preferably to natural ventilation. Where this is not possible, the air is renewed through central air conditioning, according to the instructions of the circular of the Ministry of Health.
- After the patients appart, the premises and any equipment used are disinfected.
- In emergency situations, made all the tests and the patient treated as positive. All measures of high personal protection are also taken by everyone (waterproof surgical shirt, mask, gloves, cap and mask or goggles)
Visiting hours
Visiting is not allowed in all nursing floors.
Staff Measures
With a sense of responsibility to the medical, nursing and administrative staff, patients and society as a whole and taking into account the epidemiological data, the following apply:
- Performing a molecular virus detection test (PCR) and obtaining a negative result as a condition for returning to work. This was done after the summer period for all staff and a repeat test after 7 days.
- Mandatory use of a mask by all staff
- The Infectious Diseases Team monitors and records the compliance of all staff based on the strictest protection measures against infections.
For those coming from Athens, actions and measures for protection against COVID-19
Traveling by plane can be safe, but you can also wear your masks on the plane and throughout your exposure to other people. Wear your masks in all public places. We all wear our masks! Observe the rules of hygiene and wash your hands regularly.
The hotel where you can stay close by the hospital, follows all the necessary instructions, is ready for you and is VERY clean.
Updates will be published here as required and we are ready to serve you with great security.
Stavros Tsirigotakis, general surgeon, γενικός χειρουργός MD FACS
Director of the Department of Thyroid Surgery, Iasso Hospital
Regular Member of the Hellenic Society of Endocrine Surgery (EEXEA)
Full Member of the American College of Surgeons (ACS)
Full Member of the International Society of Surgeons (ISS)
Full Member of the European Thyroid Society (EDF)
Regular Member of the American Thyroid Society (ATA)